"The Whistle: REMAKE unfolds as a multi-dimensional reinterpretation of the original, acclaimed masterpiece, 'The Whistle.' This original performance centers around an artist who arrives on stage, holding a singular whistle,. With a gentle prompt, the artist engaged the audience, declaring:
'This is a whistle. When I blow on the whistle, you must close your eyes. When I blow again, you may open them. Are you ready?'
This invitation beckons the audience into a collaborative game of perception. This mechanism acts as an analog technique for crafting transitions, enabling the seamless alteration of scenes and atmospheres by the sound of a whistle. Their participation, or not, will define their experience placing them into a co-creator role, rather than simply being a receiver of the work. This mechanism will allow each audience member to create their own version of the work. 'The Whistle: REMAKE' aims to expand upon the foundation laid by its predecessor by re-exploring the concept with a multi-disciplinary ensemble, and exploring the dynamics of trust and collaboration all the while using the mechanic to experience a complex dramatugy sprinkled with delightful special effects.
The new work will start with : "A juggler, a dancer and a musician arrive on stage with a whistle...."
The Whistle: ReMAKE is a commission from the National Circus Festival of Ireland
Directed by: Darragh Mcloughlin
Performers: Elysia McMullen, Nina Illouz, Donal McConnon
Outside eye and feedback leader: Declan Mee
Production: Elysia McMullen