Nov 10, 2018, Grünbach am Schneeberg , AT (20 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Potenziale des Zeitgenössischen Zirkus
Ted Talk in the frame work of ‘KASKADE- Festival for Austrian Contemporary Circus’ organised by Urhof20

Oct 29, 2018, Vienna, AT (1h)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Art in Transit. Exploring a Mobility Perspective on Contemporary Circus Practice.
Lecture organised by the International Research Center for Cultural Studies (IFK)

Oct 18, 2018, Linz, AT (45 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Negotiating Mobility in Contemporary Circus
Podium discussion in the framework of the series ‘Undisziplinierte Gespräche. Zwischen Wissenschaft und Kunst’, organised by Kunst Uni Linz and the International Research Center for Cultural Studies (IFK)


Nov 7, 2017, Montréal, CA (1h30)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Thinking artistic practice through mobility.
Lecture for the speaker series at SenseLab, Concordia University

Oct 11, 2017, Montréal, CA (20 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Circus Mobilities. Between mobile life style and artistic practice.
Research presentation at Concordia University, organised by the Montreal Working Group on Circus

May 19, 2017, Paris, FR (10 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Circus Mobilities
Video lecture at Think Circus! Conference, organised by CircusNext at La Villette in Paris


Dec 3, 2016, Salzburg, AT (15 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Zeitgenössischer Zirkus in Österreich: Herausforderungen der Freien Szene.
Round table 'Contemporary Circus in Austria', Winterfest, Salzburg, Austria

August 31, 2016, London, GB (20 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Writing To Go. An Auto-Ethnography of Thinking (in) Motion
Performance lecture at Royal Geographic Society's 2016 Annual International Conference

August 30- 31, 2016, London, GB (two sessions of 1h30)
Elena Lydia Kreusch (and Nerida Godfrey): Creative Practice and Improvisation within Methods: What happens when we get artistic with our research? (Session Convenor in the context of the Royal Geographic Society's 2016 Annual International Conference)

July 15 – 17, 2016, Montréal, CA (15 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Circus Mobilities // Mobile Others
International Conference 'Circus and its Others', organised by the 'Montreal Working Group on Circus' in cooperation withthe 'Montréal Complètement Cirque Festival' and Concordia University

June 17, 2016, Clonakilty, IRL (2h)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Screen Circus – Lecture & Screening
Lecture & Screening as part of Clonakilty Organic Arts Festival 2016

April 14, 2016, Paris, FR (30 min)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: The Emergence of Contemporary Circus in Central Europe
FRESH CIRCUS#3 'Moving borders' - International Seminar for the Development of Circus Arts organised by Circostrada Network and HorsLesMurs in collaboration with La Villette in Paris from April 13 to 15, 2016

March 21, 2016, Montpellier, FR (30 min)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Screen Circus – phénomène intermédial
Journée d'étude 'Le cirque : du cinéma aux nouveaux médias', coordinated by HorsLesMurs, in collaboration with 'Laboratoire RIRRA21', Paul Valéry University of Montpellier, 'Collectif Chercheurs Cirque' and 'Le Lido'

Jan 16 - 18, 2016, Ghent, BE (20 min.)
Darragh McLoughlin: The Essence of Circus
Artistic research encounter led by Bauke Lievens and funded by the research arm of KASK School of Arts in Ghent: 'Between Being and Imagining. First Conversation on Artistic Research in Circus.' Organised in the context of the circus festival 'Smells Like Circus' co-organised by Arts Centre Vooruit and Circuscentrum


October 09 – 18 October 2015, Freiburg, DE (30 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Circus Mobilities. Negotiations of Space and (Re)Production of Meaning
Interdisciplinary Conference 'MOBILE WORK-LIFE ARRANGEMENTS. Exploring Conceptual and Methodological Challenges' Convened by the Research Group 'Cultures of Mobility in Europe' (COME) of the University Freiburg and the Anthropology and Mobility network (ANTHROMOB) and funded by Volkswagen Foundation

Aug 17, 2015, Nexon, FR (1h)

Elena Lydia Kreusch: Le potentiel du Screen Circus
Round table / Radio show in the framework of « Une journée au Sirque, une soirée au Cinéma » organised by HorsLesMurs and Le Sirque – Pôle National des Arts du Cirque in Nexon

April 27, 2015, Cork, IRL (2h)
Darragh McLoughlin: Innovative Creation Methods on Stage
Organised by the CIT Arts Office at Rory Gallagher Theatre on Bishopstown Campus


15 – 17, 2015, Münster DE (30 min.)
Elena Lydia Kreusch: Contemporary Circus and Spatial Implications
International Conference ‘Zirkus | Wissenschaft – Semiotics of the Circus’ Organised by the University of Münster in cooperation with Cirque Bouffon


March 20, 2015, Aarhus, DK (1h)
Darragh McLoughlin: Dramaturgy of the Moment
Organised by'LABORATORIET – Performance Arts Research and Development' in the context of the RAPP 2015 Conference in Aarhus


Oct 24, 2014, Auch, FR (1h)

Elena Lydia Kreusch: Le phénomène du Screen Circus
Radio Circa: ‘Le cirque et la création cinématographique’ in the framework of Circa festival in Auch and in colaboration with HorsLesMurs