

… Lifting a laden hand to an open mouth, I shovel the contents on to my tongue. Softening slightly, I begin to chew; the once solid now becomes a pulp. Involuntary muscles push the malleable ingredients down my oesophagus; dropping into the pit of my stomach …

AFTERTASTE, an experimental performance event in association with The Taste of West Cork, challenges the internal language of gesture, meaning and inference in relation to food. The gesture of eating is one which is performed on a daily basis, and happens so regularly, that it is often overlooked as one of our vital rituals.
Taste offers us the ability to discern what is of good quality or of a high aesthetic standard. As living beings, we are in the perpetual process of coding and decoding our own behaviours; negotiating our positions to predetermined beliefs. Creatively and materially, these strands of perception run in tandem, weaving in and out of each other at certain junctures. 

Organised by Squarehead Productions, AFTERTASTE, will feature performance artists, Mark Dougherty (Cork), Léann Herlihy (Dublin), Sophia Kurmann
(Berlin), as well as the organiser Darragh McLoughlin (Cork).

Each performance is site specific, with the audience being guided to each location, in what it sure to be a memorable night for the Clonakilty community.